summer travels with Alannah

summer travels with Alannah

With summer almost around the corner we started to think about where we would like to go on our summer holidays! We spoke to Alannah A.K.A @glitterygutsx about her travels with her stoma!

Getting out of your comfort zone and travelling with an ostomy, especially as a newbie, can be daunting. I'm here to help you feel comfortable, by sharing my many experiences with you all on travelling and holidays with an ostomy. Quick little fact, did you know that I had never flown prior to my ostomy bag?! Thanks to my stoma, it gave me the motivation and confidence to start living my life! At first, I started small by going to the park for the first time whilst walking my dogs then, I went to the beach for the day and slowly built-up time away, making sure it was the right weather, of course! So, what hurdles did I overcome? Firstly, when flying, I was told that my ostomy bag would fill with gas due to air pressure and to carry spare supplies with me in my hand luggage, which I did, just in case. I can confirm my bag had some gas but not as much as I was panicking and overthinking about! 

When I was over 700 miles away from home in 2017, I had a really bad Behcet's flare and my stoma leaked badly. This resulted in an admission. Whilst in hospital, I ran out of my ostomy supplies. Luckily, there were stoma nurses there who got me supplies, it made me regret having not taken enough to see me through leaks!  I wanted to share some tips with you that may put your mind at ease when travelling or if you are thinking about staying away from home.

- Stoma supplies (spares to see you through leaks or duds!) and anything medical related

- Spare clothes 

- Isotonic drinks

- Sanitising wipes are especially handy when dealing with unsanitary toilet conditions 

- A phone power bank and your phone charger in case of emergencies

When I was pregnant last summer, I cradled isotonic drinks 24/7 which I think helped me so much with my hydration. I love nothing more than being at the beach and as Odin, my son, gets older, there are going to be many days at the beach going in the water and eating ice cream! I also love to go to the beach when my mental health has been a bit on the iffy side, its my happy place where I find peace. There is something about the sea air that really calms me and so, my last important advice that I can share is that your mental health should be given just as much care as your parastomal skin.

Find your happy place, somewhere that blocks out the noise that can get so loud. A peaceful mind helps calm the storm you have with your body.

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