My name is April Wilson and in 2017 I had a Proctocolectomy with a permanent Ileostomy placed, I was 33 years old at the time. I suffered from Ulcerative Colitis for 12 years of my adult life until medication quit working and my only option was to get surgery to remove my colon. My surgeon gave me two options… full removal and I would live with an ileostomy bag the rest of my life or withstand up to 3 surgeries to get a resection called a J-pouch. My surgeon explained that an Ileostomy is like driving a Honda, it's not a sexy car but it's reliable, low maintenance and will last 00 miles. Choosing the J-Pouch is like driving a Ferrari, it's a very sexy car, but it’s high maintenance and it’s in the shop a lot.
For me the choice was easy. I wanted a cure, I wanted to live my life without anymore complications or pain, so I chose the Permanent Ileostomy. This was the best choice I could have ever made for myself but did come with relearning everything I have ever known about my body. I had to change my wardrobe, diet, travel habits and how to fit my new appliance into my life and activities.
It has taken a lot time with tolls on my mental and emotional health and to this day I am still learning. I am thankful and grateful for my surgeons and the decision I have made and all I can do is look forward and find ways to help others going through what I went through. Before this surgery I had no idea how many people had Ostomies and how most of those people hid them because of embarrassment.
My newfound healthy life has given me opportunities to reach the Ostomy Community to help break down the barriers and stigmas and prove that you can live a normal life with an Ostomy.